

Pnina Gershon Presents on Public Attitudes toward Automated Vehicles at TRB ...

August 8, 2024

A Taxonomy of Home Automation: Expert Perspectives on the Future of Smarter ...

August 6, 2024

Bryan Reimer Presents on the Gradual Progress of AVs at Best of Belron 2024...

July 16, 2024

Lexi Balmuth, Lauren Cerino, Sophia Ashebir Present on AgeLab Research to El...

July 10, 2024

Impacts of Advanced Vehicle Technologies and Risk Attitudes on Distracted Dr...

June 17, 2024

Empowering Robot Designers: A Digital Tool for Early-Stage Social Robot Prot...

June 17, 2024

Is your business strategy missing the gorilla?

May 21, 2024

Navigating Longevity with Industry Leaders at the 2024 PLAN Forum

May 20, 2024

Before the Diagnosis: Dementia’s Early Financial Toll - an AgeLab and AARP S...

May 20, 2024

Joseph Coughlin Receives Prestigious 2024 Investment Consulting Impact Award...

April 16, 2024

Understanding the Psychological Health Effects of Combining Work and Parenta...

April 16, 2024

The delicate dance of caregiving can be defined by one essential concept

March 15, 2024

Shabnam FakhrHosseini Discusses the Smart Home Future at Samsung Digital Hea...

March 15, 2024

Dr. Roger Wong Discusses Recruitment Strategies for Dementia Studies for Agi...

March 15, 2024

AGNES Appears at 2024 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

February 5, 2024

Samantha Haus Presents at TRB on Effects of Electric Cars, Assistance System...

January 30, 2024

Notes on the “Breaking the Education and Training Paradox for an Aging Workf...

January 30, 2024

Bryan Reimer Appointed to Department of Transportation's Transforming Transp...

January 25, 2024

A cognitive barrier to longevity planning: valuing the 'now' over the future...

December 7, 2023

Researchers Present, and Are Awarded, at 2023 AFCPE Conference

December 7, 2023

2023 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting Features AgeLab Research on Caregiving, U...

December 7, 2023

An Afternoon in Cambridge with MIT's AgeLab

December 6, 2023

Bruce Mehler Presents on Autonomous Vehicle Signaling for UN Forum on Auto S...

November 14, 2023

Shabnam FakhrHosseini Presents on Social Robots at AOTA's Momentum Summit

November 13, 2023

2023 OMEGA Summit Gives High Schoolers Chance to Think About Intergen Progra...

November 13, 2023

Sheng-Hung Lee Presents Longevity Planning Blocks for FPA 2023 Annual Confer...

October 10, 2023

Bryan Reimer Talks Driver Assistance Systems for Travelers Institute Webinar...

October 4, 2023

Bryan Reimer on the Ojo-Yoshida Report: Robotaxi Companies Should Stop, Rebo...

September 15, 2023

Taylor Swift: still touring at age 75

September 11, 2023

Taylor Patskanick Appears on MA's Connect TV to Discuss Lifestyle Leaders Pa...

September 7, 2023

Zach Noonan Publishes Paper on Driver-Pedestrian Interactions in Accident An...

September 7, 2023

Lexi Balmuth Presents on Advisor Career Satisfaction at Quality of Life Stud...

September 6, 2023

Researchers Present on Caregiving, Connected Home Research at HCI 2023

August 8, 2023

Pnina Gershon Presents AVT Research at ARTS 2023

August 8, 2023

What do people want to be at age 100? The answer may surprise you

August 3, 2023

How to make autonomous vehicles more age-inclusive

August 2, 2023

Design for longevity: life-centered design

August 2, 2023

Air Travel is a Nightmare. Who's to Blame?

July 18, 2023

Philippe Saad, Senior Architect at DiMella Shafer, Presents on LGBTQ+ Senior...

July 11, 2023

My editor caught me using ChatGPT. Now what?

July 11, 2023

Sheng-Hung Lee Presents on Design for Longevity at Venice Innovation Design ...

July 11, 2023

Takanori Shibata, PARO Inventor, Presents at AgeLab

July 10, 2023

AgeLab's "Global Aging" Course Challenges Students to Develop Ideas on the F...

June 14, 2023

Leveraging technology for a better life tomorrow

June 9, 2023

Chaiwoo Lee Talks Older Adult Tech Adoption for Keynote at 24 Hour UX Confer...

June 9, 2023

Happiness in retirement: one big question to keep in mind

June 2, 2023

Manasi Vaidya Uses AGNES with Web Developers at Conference in Germany

May 9, 2023

AgeLab Welcomes Students Céline Aldenhoven and Evelyn Schneider from German ...

May 4, 2023

Catching up with the 2022 OMEGA Scholarship winners

May 2, 2023

Food for thought: A Game of Life for older adults

May 2, 2023

Shinae L. Choi Presents on Older Adults and Estate Planning for Aging and Eq...

May 2, 2023

2023 PLAN Forum Lays Foundation For Today’s Financial Planning To Be Tomorro...

April 20, 2023

Access to quality healthcare should be part of your longevity plan

April 18, 2023

Adam Felts Presents at NAPFA NEMA Symposium on New Advisory Conversations

April 7, 2023

How Technology Can Help Reduce Driver Distraction

April 7, 2023

Sophia Ashebir Presents on Financial Fraud, Caregiving at ASA On Aging 2023 ...

April 7, 2023

This land managed by ... older people?

April 7, 2023

How innovation comes from the messiness of multidisciplinary exchange

April 6, 2023

MIT MISTI-Spain Program Brings Barcelona Researchers to AgeLab

March 14, 2023

How the "oldest old" experience and participate in volunteering across the l...

March 13, 2023

'Shift' Podcast Features Bryan Reimer Discussing Move to "Level 3" Automated...

March 8, 2023

Why Your Retirement Plan Should Include Ice Cream

February 27, 2023

AGNES Visits Students at MGH and Harvard Medical School

February 16, 2023

Caregivers dream of a Rosie who can do it all, but what about the robots of ...

February 10, 2023

Dr. Latrica Best Talks Climate Change and Health for Aging and Equity Series...

February 9, 2023

Design responsibly, not for addiction!

February 8, 2023

AgeLab Hosts "HomeNEXT" Symposium to Discuss Future of Home

January 31, 2023

Taylor Patskanick Presents on Vaccine Research at Society for Social Work an...

January 13, 2023

CES Panel with Bryan Reimer Discusses the Long Road to Safer Automated Vehic...

January 12, 2023

AgeLab Researchers Attend NYC Premiere of NatGeo Documentary Featuring AGNES...

December 9, 2022

Interdependence of driver and pedestrian behavior in naturalistic roadway be...

December 9, 2022

Lexi Balmuth and Taylor Patskanick Present at 2022 GSA, APHA Meetings

December 9, 2022

My first time wearing AGNES, I attended the premiere of Disney Plus's Limitl...

December 9, 2022

Urban planning in Barcelona, from blocks to superblocks

December 9, 2022

Technology and Aging: the Jigsaw Puzzle of Design, Development, and Distribu...

November 22, 2022

2022 OMEGA Summit Brings Together Students, Professionals in Aging

November 7, 2022

Reshaping financial planning through a co-creation workshop

November 7, 2022

Food for thought: age-friendly benches, from Boston to Barcelona

November 7, 2022

Pnina Gershon Talks the Present and Future of Vehicle Automation at SCALE We...

November 4, 2022

Lauren Cerino and Sheng-Hung Lee Present at Human Factors and Ergonomics Soc...

November 2, 2022

Dr. Jinyu Liu Discusses Caregiver Peer Mentoring Study for Aging and Equity ...

October 20, 2022

Ken Byrne: Building caregiver personas

October 19, 2022

Chaiwoo Lee Discusses Findings of Annual Survey on Autonomous Vehicles

October 12, 2022

Defining 'community' in the digital age

October 4, 2022

Ritu Belani: Bringing AgeLab lessons back to California

October 4, 2022

Talia Chait: Life lessons from the Lifestyle Leaders

October 4, 2022

Jake Birnbach: Anne Umansky and me

October 4, 2022

Grace Turner: Preparing for extreme weather

October 4, 2022

Samantha Gitlin: Interviewing the Lifestyle Leaders

October 4, 2022

Cameron Owens: overcoming imposter syndrome and improving the sim room

October 4, 2022

Introducing (and saying goodbye to) the 2022 summer interns

October 4, 2022

Chaiwoo Lee Presents AI and Longevity Research for Journalist Fellows

October 4, 2022

Will Your Next Car Replace You, or Just Improve Your Driving?

September 26, 2022

Reflections on my decade at the AgeLab

September 23, 2022

Not Quietly Quitting But Quietly Returning, Older Workers Are Changing Work ...

September 6, 2022

Shabnam FakhrHosseini Presents for Workshop on Advancing Diagnostic Excellen...

September 1, 2022

Can we finally say post-pandemic? Family caregivers show us we're not there ...

September 1, 2022

Sheng-Hung Lee Presents on Design Thinking Methods at American Design Manage...

August 30, 2022

The robot takeover of Seoul, and a new era of technology

August 29, 2022

Can Tesla Data Help Us Understand Car Crashes?

August 22, 2022

Who Will Power the Supply Chain of the Future?

August 19, 2022

Joe Coughlin Pens Two Articles on Serena Williams' Warning Shot to 'Retireme...

August 16, 2022

Where do we go when our work goes remote?

August 9, 2022

Consumers Are Growing More Comfortable with Self-Driving Cars, Depending on ...

August 9, 2022

Characterizing Driver Speeding Behavior When Using Partial-automation in Rea...

August 9, 2022

Dr. Uchechi Mitchell Discusses Psychosocial Outcomes for Black Americans for...

August 8, 2022

How will you get an ice cream cone?

August 4, 2022

"Passengers in wheelchairs must transfer into a rocket"

July 28, 2022

What Joe Biden's age - and our reactions to it - tells us about presidential...

July 28, 2022

Factoring the Costs of Climate Change Resilience Into Retirement Planning

July 27, 2022

AVT Consortium Research is Profiled in Automotive News

July 7, 2022

Lexi Balmuth Presents Poster on Working Caregiver Benefits for the Work and ...

July 7, 2022

Transformative service innovation and design: From touch points to data poin...

July 5, 2022

Joe Coughlin Participates in Fireside Chat for the Cannes Lion Festival for ...

June 27, 2022

Do we need a new technology adoption model?

June 8, 2022

Food for thought: Creating an intentional intergenerational Disney World

June 8, 2022

Chaiwoo Lee Presents AI and Longevity Research for the World Summit on the I...

June 7, 2022

Design for Extreme Users in Extreme Conditions

June 7, 2022

This is America: To grow old amidst gun violence

June 7, 2022

Fool me once, shame on... who? Financial exploitation among older adults

June 1, 2022

What do you want to be when you grow up?

June 1, 2022

AgeLab Science Lunch Series Hosts Dr. Elgar Fleisch

May 13, 2022

The "oldest adult daughter" keeps our care economy afloat - and her training...

May 9, 2022

Are You Planning for Retirement? Why It Might Not Be Enough

May 7, 2022

AgeLab Researchers and AGNES Attend 2022 Aging Life Care Association Confere...

April 30, 2022

Why Millennials, Gen X, and Retiring Boomers Need to Find Their 'Happy Place...

April 29, 2022

Julie Miller Talks Financial Fraud at University of Maryland School of Socia...

April 28, 2022

Finding the "place" to age-in-place

April 19, 2022

Pnina Gershon Presents on Distracted Driving at Lifesavers Conference

April 19, 2022

What Might Living 100 Years Be Like? Betty White Gives Us A Few Clues On Lif...

April 12, 2022

Reshaping Smart Home Research and Development in the Pandemic Era

April 7, 2022

What could make smart home tech adoption easier?

April 4, 2022

Creative teaching in a course on aging: a designer's perspective

April 1, 2022

Taylor Patskanick Presents on AgeLab Research for National Aging in Place Co...

March 30, 2022

Bryan Reimer Presents on AI and Autonomous Cars for the Future Networked Car...

March 25, 2022

(Selfish) hopes for a self-driving future

March 24, 2022

AgeLab Hosts Dr. Ernest Gonzales as Part of Aging and Equity Series

March 24, 2022

Tom Brady, Retirement Remorse, and the Retirement Planning Questions You Sho...

March 15, 2022

When war is a click away: today’s conflicts and the need for tech literacy

March 13, 2022

Sheng-Hung Lee's Smart Footwear Design Appears in MIT's Weisner Gallery

March 10, 2022

Are older adults really less tech-capable? Lessons from my distracted son, m...

March 1, 2022

Why Your Retirement Plans May Fail on any Given Tuesday

February 24, 2022

MIT IDM Students Try Out AGNES

February 17, 2022

Why we're rediscovering the power of grandparents

February 16, 2022

Tesla FSD Beta Users Show How the System Works — and Doesn’t

February 16, 2022

Food for thought: The (bike lane) intersection of aging and cycling

February 16, 2022

The importance of lifelong mentorship

February 11, 2022

Is eating a Big Mac a form of self-care? Maybe sometimes

January 31, 2022

Some principles for designing age-friendly homes

January 27, 2022

Some design considerations for smart home technologies: findings from C3 int...

January 27, 2022

Why Multitasking While Driving Isn't a Good Idea

January 25, 2022

Factors Contributing to the Financial Self-Efficacy of Student Loan Borrower...

January 18, 2022

Four Lessons Gen Z and Millennials Can Learn from Betty White about Longevit...

January 1, 2022

Evolving Client-Adviser Conversations and the Future of Advice

December 31, 2021

Tesla’s Camera-Based Driver Monitoring Fails to Keep Driver Attention on the...

December 22, 2021

People are not planning offspring, but something else is

December 16, 2021

Senior Housing Investors & Operators Should Watch Online Grocery Trends

December 13, 2021

Call it Virtual Assisted Living: Seniors Can Stay in Their Own Homes Longer ...

December 13, 2021

Help When You Need It: Sources of Advice for Student Loan Borrowers Across t...

December 11, 2021

The Key to Marketing to Older People? Don’t Say ‘Old.’

December 8, 2021

The Longevity Economy’s Empty Podium

December 5, 2021

Chaiwoo Lee Discusses Future of Home Technology at Ohio Housing Conference

December 3, 2021

Chaiwoo Lee Presents on the Connected Home at Ohio Housing Conference

December 3, 2021

The Magic and Misdirection of Public Service Loan Forgiveness in the United ...

December 1, 2021

Do we really know what social media does to us?

December 1, 2021

Needed: Federal Leadership on R&D for Our Aging Society

November 29, 2021

Why Thanksgiving Is A Longevity Planning Wake-Up Call For Millennials & Gen ...

November 24, 2021

Four Questions Millennials and Gen X Should Ask on Thanksgiving

November 24, 2021

Chaiwoo Lee and Sheng-Hung Lee present at IXDC 2021

November 20, 2021

Business & Millennials Are Planning On The Great Wealth Transfer, But Baby B...

November 17, 2021

United Church Homes' Terri Spitznagel Reveals New Service for Caregivers as ...

November 16, 2021

AgeLab Presents Plethora of Papers at GSA 2021 Annual Meeting

November 15, 2021

Generations: the best way to understand wealth concentration?

October 22, 2021

The Making of Generation U, and Why a New Model of Retirement Advice Is Need...

October 21, 2021

Researchers Present at 2021 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting

October 18, 2021

The Venture Capitalists Making a Bet on Aging Consumers

October 6, 2021

Taylor Patskanick Appointed President of Boston Bridge

September 30, 2021

Bryan Reimer Is Guest on UX Soup Podcast

September 21, 2021

Researchers Present on Urban Life at MIT Portugal Conference

September 20, 2021

The Pandemic and Millennials Are Reframing Work, and Gen X and Boomers Are G...

September 14, 2021

2021 Summer Interns Work on Lifestyle Leaders, Intergenerational Programming...

September 1, 2021

Jimmy Davey and Brianna Garrette: Our Summer at the AgeLab

August 31, 2021

Lila Goldstein: My Summer at the AgeLab

August 31, 2021

Sophia Lee: My Summer at the AgeLab

August 31, 2021

Anjali Reddy: My Summer at the AgeLab

August 31, 2021

Talia Belz: My Summer at the AgeLab

August 31, 2021

Talia Chait: My Summer at the AgeLab

August 31, 2021

Introducing the AgeLab's Summer 2021 Interns

August 30, 2021

Sheng-Hung Lee and John Rudnik Publish on Design Industry Transformations in...

August 20, 2021

AgeLab AI and Longevity Study Concludes with Comprehensive Report

July 30, 2021

Sheng-Hung Lee Presents at Human Computer Interaction Conference on Wearable...

July 29, 2021

Samantha Brady and Sheng-Hung Lee Present Their Research for Life Tomorrow D...

July 28, 2021

First He Fired His Employer: Are You Ready For Society’s Great Reframing?

July 6, 2021

AgeLab Paper on Sharing Economy and Older Adults Wins GSA Prize

July 1, 2021

Government Requires Automakers to Report Driver-assist Crashes

June 29, 2021

AgeLab Hosts Roundtable Discussion on AI and Longevity

June 24, 2021

Miranda Reiter Describes Race, Gender Implications of Financial Planning in ...

June 23, 2021

Joe Coughlin Speaks for InvestmentNews Women Advisor Summit

June 23, 2021

Life Tomorrow Discussion Sessions: AgeLab Researchers Discuss Framing Study ...

June 16, 2021

When Drivers Use Automated Systems, They Don't Give Up Control

June 13, 2021

China Wants More Babies - So Do Other Countries

June 1, 2021

Charles Senteio Discusses Research on Health Technology Equity for AgeLab's ...

May 19, 2021

Millennials Are Not Prepared for This Question in Retirement

May 14, 2021

AgeLab Hosts Two-Day Virtual Symposium on Future of Home

May 10, 2021

Chaiwoo Lee and Bryan Reimer Present at Lifesavers Conference

April 28, 2021

Rodney Harrell Talks Livable Communities for AgeLab's Aging and Equity Serie...

April 21, 2021

Plan For a Retirement That Could Last 8,000 Days

April 20, 2021

For Many Older Millennials, Student Loan Debt Delayed Buying Homes, Starting...

April 6, 2021

PBS Documentary Fast Forward Features Joe Coughlin, AGNES

March 23, 2021

2021 Spring Speaker Series Begins with Presentation from Dr. Catherine Garcí...

March 23, 2021

Bryan Reimer Argues Against "Level 3" Autonomous Vehicles in Article for Aut...

March 12, 2021

Bruce Mehler and Bryan Reimer Appear in UK Law Commission Consultation Paper...

March 10, 2021

Sheng-Hung Lee Moderates "Constructing Reality" Panel for Design Conference...

February 28, 2021

Joe Coughlin Presents on Navigating The New Transportation Demands Of An Agi...

February 25, 2021

The Longevity Hub: A Boston Globe and MIT AgeLab Collaboration

February 16, 2021

Pnina Gershon and Bryan Reimer Participate in SAE International's 2021 Gover...

February 3, 2021

Researchers Present at Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting

January 25, 2021

Women Caught In-Between and Facing Uncertainty in Retirement

January 25, 2021

The Real Self-Driving Revolution Remains Years Away

January 21, 2021

COVID-19 and the Future of Aging: Technology for Connecting

January 19, 2021

AgeLab IAP Workshops Discuss COVID Attitudes, 85+, Science of Learning

January 13, 2021

The Most Overlooked Flaw in your Retirement Plan and How to Fix it

January 11, 2021

Sheng-Hung Lee Co-Organizes MAKE TO:GATHER Webinar

January 5, 2021

AgeLab Delivers Care Packages to Members of 85+ Lifestyle Leaders Panel

December 25, 2020

The Best Business, Finance and Retirement Accounts to Follow on Twitter in 2...

December 21, 2020

Julie Miller and Chaiwoo Lee Are Guests for 'One Vision' Podcast on Bringing...

December 15, 2020

Cramming May Help for Next-Day Exams. But for Long-Term Memory, Spacing Out ...

November 30, 2020

AgeLab and Bank of America Host Symposium on AI and Longevity

November 20, 2020

OMEGA Scholarship Winners

November 18, 2020

CareHive Consortium Hosts Webinar on Research and Resources for Caregivers

November 17, 2020

This is Why the Millennials' Single Lifestyle May be on a Collision Course w...

November 15, 2020

Julie Miller Talks Student Debit for City Awake Webinar

November 13, 2020

Researchers Present at 2020 GSA Conference

November 7, 2020

Joe Coughlin and Julie Miller Lead Webinar on Pandemic-Related Attitudes

November 2, 2020

2020 OMEGA Summit Brings Together Students, Aging Professionals, Past Schola...

October 30, 2020

Sheng-Hung Lee Publishes on Design Methodologies with Industrial Designers S...

October 14, 2020

Luke Yoquino Discusses New Book on the Science of Learning for MIT XTalks

October 7, 2020

Bryan Reimer Pens Articles in Forbes on MA Right to Repair Question

October 5, 2020

Samantha Brady and Julie Miller Talk Virtual Research Methods at NVio Confer...

September 23, 2020

Joseph Coughlin Discusses the Longevity Economy, COVID-19 on Barron's "The W...

September 15, 2020

Stocks Rallied, and Many Missed Out

September 13, 2020

How Gen Z and Young Millennials Are Redefining Life Stages, Markets and Reti...

September 13, 2020

Joseph Coughlin Discusses "The Best Places to Retire"

September 8, 2020

Shabnam FakhrHosseini Presents on Social Robots at IEEE International Confer...

September 3, 2020

Joseph Coughlin Presents on Housing for Older Adults with Five Star Senior L...

September 3, 2020

2020 Summer Interns Work on OMEGA, Lifestyle Leaders, C3 Project

August 26, 2020

Luke Yoquinto Publishes New Book on Learning with Sanjay Sarma

August 20, 2020

Okay Boomer, Millennials Find This Lifestyle Might Not Be That Terrible

August 19, 2020

How COVID-19’s 168-Hour Workweek Is Changing Work In Retirement

August 11, 2020

Shabnam FakhrHosseini Presents on Framework of Home Automation at HCI Confer...

July 25, 2020

Julie Miller and Taylor Patskanick Present on Intergenerational Programming ...

July 17, 2020

Chaiwoo Lee and Sheng-Hung Lee Present at Academic Design Management Confere...

July 15, 2020

Going Places Without a Car in Retirement

June 30, 2020

Joseph Coughlin is Keynote Speaker at ISBNPA XChange Conference

June 16, 2020

Joseph Coughlin Named to MIT "Thunder" Research Ramp-Up Committee

June 16, 2020

AgeLab and Toyota Release Innovative New Visual Open Data to Accelerate Auto...

June 16, 2020

AgeLab's Day in the Life Study Examines "Oldest Old" and COVID-19

June 3, 2020

Here’s how retirement communities are adapting to a post-Covid 19 world

May 31, 2020

Get Over It! Here’s Why There Is No Going Back To Normal After COVID-19

May 19, 2020

Taylor Patskanick Participates in Virtual Panel for Boston College School of...

May 10, 2020

AgeLab Researchers Publish on Oldest Old and Politics

May 5, 2020

AgeLab Hosts Webinar on COVID-19 Findings

May 4, 2020

AgeLab C3 Consortium Researchers Host Member Webinar

April 24, 2020

Retirement, Real Estate & COVID-19: Will Downsizing-To-The-City Reverse Cour...

April 16, 2020

Many parts of America have already decided to sacrifice the elderly

April 13, 2020

In a time of physical distancing, connecting socially across generations is ...

March 31, 2020

8 Ways Coronavirus Will Drastically Alter Boomer Retirements

March 16, 2020

Bryan Reimer Explains Why We Don't Have Self-Driving Cars Yet

March 3, 2020

AgeLab Hosts OMEGA Summit in Nashville, TN

February 29, 2020

Bruce Mehler Presents at 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety

February 19, 2020

US Clears the Way for This Self-Driving Vehicle With No Steering Wheel or Pe...

February 6, 2020

The London Times Goes Inside the MIT AgeLab

January 25, 2020

Taylor Patskanick and Julie Miller Present at Society of Social Work Researc...

January 19, 2020

AgeLab Researchers Present at 99th Annual Transportation Research Board Meet...

January 14, 2020

Chaiwoo Lee and Bryan Reimer Participate in Panel Discussions at CES 2020

January 9, 2020

AgeLab 2019 Year in Review

January 1, 2020

AGNES Given an Entry in the "Atlas of the Future"

December 23, 2019

AgeLab and Tivity Health Host Fitness, Food, and Friends Symposium

July 23, 2019

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